Official language: Norwegian
Time zone: UTC+2
Currency: Norwegian krone (NOK)
In August Bodø become paradise ofr musicians. Two music festivals – Parkenfestivalen and Nordland Musikkfestuke take place at that time and they attract thousands of melomans.
Since Bodø is situated north of the Arctic Circle, in first tow weeks of June the sun shines there 24 hours per day. Whereas the arctic night lasts from the beginning of December till January 10.
Visit Nordlandsmuseet, a museum in the city’ centre, in a building from 1903. Youcan get to know there history of the city and culture of living there Sami people.
A local village got city charter in the beginning of the 20th century. Through years other villagges had been added to the town, until it has reached its current size. During the Luftwaffe attack in 1940, half of citizens’s houses were destroyed. With help came the Swedish government, that build around 100 flats in closesly joitn with each other houses. Characteristic area is called Svenskebyen – a Swedish tonw. It is situated in the heart of Bodø.
During sunny day, make sure to go for a walk along the shore, to have a close look at rorbu – red, fishermen’s houses. In the port you can sit on a bench and admire docked keelboats and yachts. From there set off boats to two nearby, non-inhabited islands, that protect the port from storms – Litle Hjartoya and Store Hjartoya. During nice weather, a walk there can be a pleasant experience.
The oldest preserved temple in the city is Bodin Kirke, the church located in its southern west part. White, made of rock church was built in 1240 as one nave church. Transept was added in 1785. Inside the building you can see an altar from the 14th century and wooden sculptures from the verge of the 15th and 16th century. An ambo was built in the 17th century.
Your passion is aircraft? Then you are in the right place. In Norsk Luftfartsmuseum you can see a huge exhibition of military planes, among them spying U-2, CF-104 Starfighter or Spitfire. Make sure to get to the airport traffic control tower, from which there is an mazaing view not only for the airport, but for the whole town. You can also fly on simulator.
When you get hungry, step by Bryggerikaia at Sjoegata 1. We recommend fantastic roasted halibut with broccoli or nord-norks fiskesuppe, Norwegian fish soup. Prices are quite high there. Cheaply and equally tasty, in home vibe, you can eat at Løvolds Kafeteria at Tollbugata 9. In menu, apart from full dishes, there is a vast choice of entrees. We recommend to order them, if you want to try many things and don’t loose fortune.