Official language: Portuguese
Time zone: UTC -3
Currency: Brazilian real (BRL)
Balneário de Pedrinhas and islands Ilha do Fogo, Ilha do Massangano, Ilha do Rodeadouro, Ilha do Maroto are the best spots for swim in clear waters of the river São Francisco.
The name of the city comes from words pedra and linda (in Potuguese beautiful rock). Beautiful rock was a description used for stones sources by the river bank, with whom the façade of the cathedral was decorated.
From the area of agglomeration Petrolina-Juazeiro comes as much as 90 percent of exported from Brazil mango fruits and 30 percent of sold abroad grapes.
Petrolina is a city in the northern-eastern Brazil in a state Pernambuco. Situated by São Francisco – a river, whose waters in 1982 changed infertile, dessert lands to one of the biggest orchards of Brazil. “The miracle of Petrolina”, as locals call it, influenced not only landscape of that area, but most of all lives of hundreds thousand people, that find jobs in fruit-growing.
A huge part in development of Petrolina played a bishop Dom Malan, who arrived to a town in 1924 with a mission of setting up a new diocese. Actions of the priest weren’t limited to propagate faith. He recognized a need of access to education and specialist medical care. Thanks to him a cathedral, churches, a diocesan palace, schools and hospital were established. Getting to know the city is best to start from a visit to a cathedral Sagrado Coração de Jesus, that is situated by the main square, Praça Dom Malan. Two slender towers, rock facade and French stained glass-windows of that neo-Gothic building make huge impression.
It is worth to visit the oldest church of the city dedicated to Nossa Senhora Rainha dos Anjos (Our Lady Queen of Angels), that was built in neo-colonial style. Inside you can see, brought from Madera, an effigy of Mother of God, that is the patron of Petrolina. Splendid views, perfect for capturing on pictures, can be admired from bridges on the river São Francisco. Make sure to visit viewing point Serrote do Urubu and take a walk by the river bank (Orla de Petrolina).
A must see point during a trip around the city is a gastronomical complex Bodódromo. It has many restaurants with delicious muton and lamb and specialties of Northern Brazilian cuisine. You can eat there typical for that region salty goat meat, whose recipe hasn’t changed for many years. It is worth also to taste fresh fruits served on street stalls or markets. In this area we recommend restaurants Bode Assado do Angelo. Brilliant dishes are served in Carranca Gulosa and Flor de Mandacaru.