
Check-out from the hotel

Check-out from the hotel

The check-out procedure must always be made before the given time (check-out time).  


Usually, you should check-out at 12:00 at the latest, and at this time you should leave the hotel room. However, every hotel sets the duration of the stay individually – during the check-in, the reception staff informs the guests about the check-out time.

Be aware that…

If you check-out later than previously agreed, the hotel may charge you additionally for another night stay. Some of the hotels allow guests to stay longer – however, you should inform the reception staff in advance.

When you leave the hotel room, we encourage you to check if you packed all your items and bags. Next, you should arrive at the reception desk, give your hotel room key and settle payment for your stay.

Some hotels offer a storage room, where – after the check-out – you can leave your luggage while you wait for the transport.

eSky reservation system settles the payment for the hotel stay before you arrive at the hotel. However, it will cover only the services included in the reserved product. All of the additional costs should be paid before you leave the hotel. These include additional fees for the minibar, phone or restaurant bills.

The hotel may also issue an invoice for your stay. If you wish, the receptionist may also order a taxi for you.

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